What Is Fusion Music?

What is fusion music? Well, you don’t have to be an atomic scientist to understand fusion music. Let’s look at a basic definition of fusion; ‘the union of different things by or as if by melting; blending; coalition.’ This definition is from the New World Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition. So, in music, different musical elements, often from different musical genres are put together. Here are some examples of fusion music; Reggae Rock Rap Rock Jazz Fusion Read More

Title – The Picture of Music – Author – Lesley Anne Sears – Book Reviews

"The Picture of Music" is an ultimate step-by-step guide to playing piano that cannot only help teach the beginner, it can brush up the advanced player as well. Lesley Anne Sears has changed my view of sheet music from one of undecipherable symbols with only faint recognition to one of order, patterns of notes, and beauty. For most of us, the adages "How soon we forget" or "Use it or lose it" applies to music. Like many children, I took Read More