Nuances of Hindustani Classical Music

Book: Nuances of Hindustani Classical Music Author: Dr. Hema Hirlekar ISBN: 9788178062068 Page: 200 Price: INR 395 Publisher: Unicorn Books For those who listen to Hindustani classical music or those who are looking to improve their knowledge for better appreciation of the music, ‘Nuances of Hindustani Classical Music” written by Dr. Hema Hirlekar is the ideal choice. Hindustani classical music has become very popular in the last few years. Concerts held all over the world are packed to capacity. Statistics Read More

Benefits of Music Education

It would be easier to deduce the benefits of music education, once you are clear about the basic qualities of music. Music Soothes Music is an ever-expanding field. What do you do when we want to relax? An immediate reply would be: listen to good music. And why? Because you tend to forget that a world exists outside, especially when the music is soft, lilting, and melodious. This has been proved through research too. Wondrous are the effects of music Read More