The 5 Myths Encompassing American Public Education Reform

For over 30 years America has been trying to "reform" our Public Educational system. Yet, was it ever broken to begin with? It has in fact functioned well wherever possible despite some missing pieces and occasional mission drift. We can back track this terrific sham to 5 main premises never adequately questioned or disputed. Was it, and is it, fair or in our interests to compare this nation to nations such as China, India, Russia or other European countries academically? Read More

Young India – Time to Awake

A nation awakes with the awakening of its youth. Youth decides the upcoming future of its nation. India is a country of dreams. A place where dreams are turned into reality with honest efforts. As a citizen of India, we are more inclined towards bringing the golden past of our rich heritage closer to the future of the nation. Every dream needs an eye of a dreamer. In India, the vision of our great leaders serves the link between the Read More