Redress of Poetry – Can a Poet Redress Through Poetry?

The Redress of Poetry – Is this the duty of a poet to redress through poetry? Poetry gives an ideal world which removes the defects of the world of fact since ideal presents a perfect picture of imperfect world. By redress we mean satisfaction, compensation for a wrong sustained or our loss against result to rise again in an upright position. This is the dictionary definition of redress. The word ‘redress’ stands for reparation, restoration, to rectify something that is Read More

Replacement Theology Refuted!

The Bible clearly teaches that the Hebrew God chose Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for a special purpose to ultimately affect all humanity. God first revealed Himself to "the fathers" and promised to be their God and the God of their descendants. The rest of mankind was "temporarily" left in the dark and to their own devices. God drafted the 12 Tribes of Israel to become His Servant Nation. Moses rejoiced in ISRAEL'S UNIQUE CREATION (Deut.4: 32-34). The Great Creator God Read More