Leaders Need Great Followers – 6 Roles of Great Followers

The leader and follower structure indicates that leaders need followers and followers need leaders. In other words, leaders not only provide support to those that follow them but followers in return are needed to support the leader in their quest to achieve success. The truth is leaders and followers are not separate entities; instead, they come together to form a dynamic relationship. That’s why the statement, “there is no leader in the absence of followers” emphasizes the importance of the Read More

Reflections on Homi Baba’s Post Colonial Criticism

Homi Baba is one of the foremost thinkers of Post Colonial Criticism and belongs to the school of Post Structuralism. Homi Baba has made intrusions into the Philosophy of Language where texts become constructs for post colonial criticism. For Baba Colonialism has not been a straight forward clique between the oppressed and the oppressors but an evolving semantic machine marked by psychological anxiety and tension between the oppressor and the oppressor. Here in this article I would like to articulate Read More