What Happened, To The Land, Of The FREE?

How often, have you heard, someone say, something, about the land of the FREE, and the home of the brave? The basic concepts, this nation was founded on, and established as, by our Founding Fathers, appears to many, as being, under – attack, and its sustainability questioned, which should be concerning, to all Americans, regardless of political beliefs, and preferences! If Americans lose their rights, freedoms, and justice, as we have experienced, and focused on, since the establishment of the Read More

BR111 Flooring – The Nation’s Largest Manufacturer of Exotic Hardwood Floors

As the nation’s largest manufacturer of exotic hardwood floors, BR11’s extensive hardwood flooring selection gives homeowners a variety of high-quality exotic flooring options, all at an affordable price. BR111 manufactures the highest quality solid and engineered hardwoods, meaning there’s an option for every homeowner looking to add value and aesthetics to their homes. For solids, BR111 created “Indusparquet,” a line that features stunning exotic hardwoods including Brazilian Cherry Hardwood, Tigerwood floors, Amendoim Hardwood floors, and Santos Mahogany wood floors. Indusparquet’s Read More