The Future Of Our National IDENTITY: Factors To Consider

It seems to have passed that time, when we must accept the fact, the present occupant of the White House, creates, far more than, merely, either, an inconvenience, or present threat, but rather, an inherent risk to the longer – term, IDENTITY, of this nation! What is America, and what will come to our beloved, United States, if/ when, we don’t do, everything possible, to thoroughly, seriously, protect, all the freedoms, justice, and liberties, which make us special and unique, Read More

5 Key Reasons, Huge Federal Deficits Matter

Many Americans, including, unfortunately, many of our elected officials, and politicians, seem to feel, it’s no big deal, if the United States, runs a deficit (even a large one)! However, although the Federal Government deems it appropriate, and Congress approves, they can print additional paper money. Just because they can, and it’s permitted, by law, doesn’t mean, it makes sense, to do so! When the government runs at a deficit, the U.S. Treasury authorizes the printing of additional currency, to Read More