Make Education a National Priority

Education in the United States is going down the tubes and has been for some time. A large percentage of Americans with poor education grow up functionally illiterate, virtually unable to communicate or get a decent job. This is inexcusable for the richest country in the world. If we continue to give education a backseat role, we will decline seriously as a nation and as a society. The biggest problem with education in America is that only people with money Read More

The Debating Indians – Have We Made Debating Our National Sport?

We love to debate. After all, being in a democracy our constitution gives us a right to express our views and solicit them at our own will. Be it the erudite graduate or an uneducated villager we all have opinions right from what the government should or should not have done to who Katrina should or should not marry. But the question really is, are we becoming more aware of the issues which grapple our nation or the solutions which Read More