Watershed Year

As with the coming of spring there should be renewed hope that all things blossom by the warmth of the sun. Yet, the clouds of uncertainty hang heavily overhead. We find ourselves being led by a Banana Republic want-a-be dictator. It is without question that the American public was conned by a charlatan who is nothing more than a narcissistic egomaniac with delusions of grandeur. Trump has made a mockery of the office of the Presidency. Not to mention has Read More

National Flag: A Symbol of Pride, A Stamp of Identity

Since the dawn of society , the national flag has symbolized the collective pride of a nation, and unified people of diverse linguistic, racial or ethnic backgrounds. Generations ago, our ancestors carried flags with pride to their battles for freedom; we honor our heroes by presenting them with this symbol of our utmost gratitude; we celebrate our freedom gathered around our national flags and we fly them high to salute our victories. Historically and in the present, every significant moment Read More