Why Are These So Few Civil Discussions, About Politics, Today?: 5 Reasons

Wouldn’t it be nice, if instead of the constant arguments, polarizing rhetoric, and false facts (used), we witnessed more conversations, which were civil, civilized, and we remained friendly, when we disagreed, and simply, agreed, to disagree? It seems, for the last couple of decades, the divide, within our nation, and its citizens, has widened, and there seems to be little, to no attempt, to find any middle – ground, and/ or, meeting – of – the – minds, for the Read More

Grab Air Tickets to India and Experience Splendours of the Enigmatic Nation

India is a charming nation that has been the enigma for rest of the world for some time now. The incredible spiritual radiance that symbolises the country has beguiled many to its shores and has even metamorphosed few! Top Destinations in India The attractions in this country are alarmingly huge – from natural splendours to architectural marvels and from yummiest cuisine to plethora of shopping options. Holidays in India will surely take you on a journey where there is no Read More