Four Things a Meeting Facilitator Or Leader Needs to Do

Meeting facilitation skills are important in the business environment. People who are good at facilitating or leading meetings conduct very effective meetings. In well facilitated meetings there is little waste of time and highly productive results. Therefore it is instrumental to the success of business to understand what is required to make a great meeting. To help build meeting success, below are four things a meeting facilitator or leader needs to do for a truly effective meeting. 1. Understand your Read More

Was I a Child With Special Needs and Didn’t Know It?

One of the most challenging questions for the mental health profession to field over the past few decades has been the simplest: why are there so many more kids diagnosed with ‘special needs’ today than there were when we were kids? There is no definitive ‘good’ or ‘right’ answer to that question, but as many adults are discovering — many too late — they have suffered because they weren’t diagnosed properly as kids. The Adult ‘Special Needs’ Checklist If you Read More