Sometimes, God Needs Help Too, That Is An Apparent Reality

“God, to have created a crazy, messy world like this, needs help, self-help and everything that God can get!” At least that was what I was saying to myself and feeling this morning as I got angry at life itself. With that, I begin this article. Sure, we need some help dealing with this reality (some get it, some do not), but sometimes I wonder if God needs even more help dealing with the reality that God deals with which Read More

The Needs – Focused Approach to Behaviour Management

Have you ever asked yourself why some teachers seem to be able to handle the difficult classes better than others, and why they get respect that others don’t? Do you ever wonder why some teachers find the job so enjoyable while others find it so stressful and frustrating? When I first started teaching I was always amazed (and I have to say a little jealous) by the way some members of staff could get even the most challenging class to Read More