PR Needs to Be More Data-Driven

Analyzing data and utilizing it is often tied with something tangible like leads, sales, number of likes and hits, etc. It’s hard to find how communication and public relations (PR) can be data driven. But in reality, data plays a key role in both the functions of a brand or company. Here are the ways with which data can be better used to bring in benefits for the corporate communications and PR industry. There is much more than coverage tracking Read More

The World Needs More Love!

When I was out the other day I saw a paper bag that said something like, ‘the world needs more love.’ This is something that is hard to deny, considering how much suffering and destruction there is. One only needs to watch the news or to pick up a paper to hear about something negative that is taking place. What plays a part in this, of course, is that is that these sources have the tendency to focus on the Read More