Needs-Based Leadership

Before seeking to become a leader, take the time to be objectively introspective, so you know, realize and understand your reasons and rationale, for wanting to serve, and to lead! Meaningful leadership must focus on priorities, needs, and addressing perceptions of one’s constituents, while proceeding, with a vital, vibrant vision, which propels one’s leading, and garners support, followers, and additional commitment, which makes a world of difference! This article, therefore, will attempt to examine this issue, using the mnemonic approach, Read More

The Top Six Reasons Your Company Needs Bylaws

Although California does not require a company to have bylaws, below are six reasons why every business owner should invest in a strategically thought out set of bylaws for their company: 1. The Bylaws are the Company’s Legal Backbone. A company’s bylaws provide the framework for how it operates, including rules for the owners’ relationship. 2. What if Your Company Does Not Have Bylaws? If your company does not have bylaws in place, the laws of California will control how Read More