Applying Maslows Heiarchy of Needs in the Service of Intellectual and Developmentaly Disabled Adults

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory consists of five interdependent levels that one strives to meet in a life cycle. Some cultures may place more or less emphasis on the importance of each level, but each has great applicability to achieving a meaningful life for all people. The hierarchy is depicted as a pyramid in which each level builds upon the previous. In the realm of intellectual and developmental services, the hierarchy is an excellent resource in determining unmet needs and Read More

Your Girlfriend Says She Needs to Find Herself – What This Means for You

Your girlfriend says she needs to find herself. That’s one of those puzzling things women say that men can’t fully comprehend. Does it mean that she’s just taking a step back from the relationship so she can focus on her own needs? Is it a sign that she’s so in love with you that she feels she’s losing her own identity or is it something else? Unfortunately, when a woman says she needs to find herself it means she’s being Read More