My Wife Is Breaking Up With Me Because She Needs to Find Herself – What Do I Do?

Has your wife told you she needs to find herself? This vague and confusing phrase does nothing good for a relationship, and sends the one who gets dumped into a panic mode. So what are you supposed to do when she leaves you because she needs to find herself, and what does that even mean? Honestly, when she tells you she needs to “find herself,” more often the problem lies deeper. She probably doesn’t want to hurt your feelings or Read More

The Hierarchy Of Needs And How It Relates To Plumbing

Man’s most basic needs are said to be the following- air, food, water, sleep and shelter. Your home should be perfectly equipped to provide every one of those needs- clean air, nutritious food, reliable water, and comfortable rest in a safe shelter. Because once you have these basic necessities, you can move on to the higher requirements such as: safety, love, esteem and self actualization. We don’t want to sit in our homes and worry about the air we breathe Read More