Solve Your Funding Needs With Short Term Finance Solutions

Everyone who owns a company knows how difficult it can be to find yourself in a problematic situation when you need some financing, but just cannot find it anywhere. Whether you have some last minute debts that you need to cover or you do not have enough capital to pay the salaries of your employees, in business there are many situations when you need to access a short term loan in order to cover some urgent financial matters. Short term Read More

5 Signs Your Sell Sheet Needs A Makeover

Introduction Your book is rolling along and you think your sell sheet is working hard for you. But is it? Is it sheet driving the results you need? If not, it might be time for a makeover. The solution may be to rebrand, adjust your value proposition, or simply modify your existing strategy before these danger signs turn into unavoidable headaches. If you can identify with any of these problems, then it’s probably time to rethink your book’s sell sheet. Read More