Dell Corporation’s Influence on Sun Microsystems

When Dell came into the market it was a high threat of substitute products or service for Sun Microsystems. Dell on the other hand had a low threat because not many other companies came out with customizable personal computers. It was easy for Dell to enter the market because it was one of the first companies to provide those products. So there was a high threat of new entrants, but now that many companies are providing customizable computers it will Read More

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels: The State of Asian Stock Photography

“Can we shop this person so he looks more Asian?” While totally insensitive in any other circumstance, these are the all too real requests agencies and studios receive from clients who struggle to find an Asian face to front their Asian campaign. The ivory world of advertising and marketing is slowly losing its grip here in Asia. The lines in the sand are clearly being drawn. Brands can no longer retrofit Western campaigns and lifestyles here and hope to gain Read More