Ellie Drake’s Netweb Marketing – Is MLM Or Network Marketing Dying?

According to Ellie Drake and Mike Filsaime the old ways of Network Marketing are dying. They produced an E-book recently, called “The Death of Network Marketing.” In the book, Ellie does a good job explaining why she feels that the old ways of building a network marketing business will die. One of the prime examples she used in her book was the travel industry. In the past, travel agents were highly used. People would book their travel arrangements through a Read More

Relax and Feel Good

I love the synchronicity of the universe. I am always being reminded to come back into the present moment. This morning I was feeling restless even after a silent meditation and inspirational daily read message. I decided to get some exercise and bring my puppy for a run with the bike. As I was riding my bike down a winding country road, enjoying the warmth of the sunshine and the shade of the big canopy of trees, out of nowhere, Read More