The New Literary Democracy: Differentiating The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

They say that 82% of Americans would like to write a book. Tens of thousands of them do. The vast majority of the books that are flooding into the muddled market space of independent publishing are read only by the author and the author’s mother. This is the Gutenberg revolution on steroids. Anyone with the will to write can upload their books on Amazon, Smashwords and Createspace, to name only a few, for free and have instant global distribution. Of Read More

A Secret Underground City Of The Andes?

A high-tech, secret city has been said to exist in a remote jungle crater in South America. If so, who might the scientists be who run this James Bond-type super fortress? The story begins with the great Italian scientist Guglielmo Marconi (1874 – 1973), a former student of Nikola Tesla. Marconi studied radio transmission theory with Tesla and made his first radio transmission in 1895. Marconi and Tesla are both accredited for the invention of the radio. Marconi’s historical radio Read More