The Orlando Potter Building NY

The Orlando Potter Building is for me one of the best terra cotta realizations of New York City (and United States). This is a unique piece of art. Lay back, enjoy and take your time to discover all the details and complexity of its structure and keep in mind that it’s 120 years old. This is another great building and location to sit and admire the beauties of New York City’s Architecture. Once you sit down on a bench in Read More

AUO – Aggravated Unlicensed Operation in New York State

Aggravated Unlicensed Operation, commonly known among New York traffic lawyers as AUO, is a crime here in New York State. The most commonly charged AUO offense is AUO 3rd, or Aggravated Unlicensed Operation in the third degree. This usually happens when someone is driving with a suspended license. Typically, the defendant got a ticket somewhere and did not make sure the ticket was resolved. In most cases they simply ignored it. In others they did communicate with the Court to Read More