Abortion or Murder? A Poignant Issue for Analysis and Resolution by the American Electorate

A poignant thought, or, perhaps, call it a critical issue, crossed my mind recently regarding law, morality, and justice as applied for human beings who essentially have no voice in determining their right to live and survive being murdered. This issue goes along with the rephrasing of the tritely offered, and answered, question. “Does a woman, any woman, in the United States have the unfettered right to abort, and murder, a child that has been conceived and is growing, with Read More

New York’s Home Equity Theft Prevention Act

The Home Equity Theft Prevention Act (“HETPA”) has been in effect since February 1, 2007. Its purpose is to protect distressed homeowners from potentially fraudulent “foreclosure rescue” programs by assuring that the homeowner has sufficient information to make an informed decision about the transfer of title to his or her home (see Chapter 308 of the Laws of 2006 for the Legislature’s statement of purpose). HETPA is codified in RPL 265-a and RPAPL 1303. The circumstances under which HEPTA will Read More