Show Team Spirit by Attending the 2011 World Cup in New Zealand

When it comes to major sporting events like Rugby’s 2011 World Cup in New Zealand, the experience can be vastly different depending on how you watch it. Compared to staying home and watching it on TV, seeing it live creates a more exhilarating and memorable experience for avid rugby fans. Not even the latest wide-screen LED TV can replicate the experience of being in a stadium filled with thousands of rugby fans showing support for their favorite teams. From chanting Read More

New Zealand, An Island Nation’s Amazing Defense To Corona Virus!

When the entire world is reeling by the devastating rampage in its popula- tion, this small island nation managed to strangle the spread of this menace from the earliest stages just by preventive measures. The adjust-ments and cooperation between the Government and the general public shines as a beacon of hope to all other nations of the world. The early awareness of the gravity of the situation and the immediate preventive measures taken spared this island from future major course Read More