A Short Introduction To New Zealand

New Zealand lies in the South Pacific Ocean, southeast of Australia. New Zealand is made up of two main islands, North Island and South Island, with further outlying islands called the Antipodes Islands, Auckland Islands, Bounty Islands, Campbell Island, Chatham Islands, and Kermadec Islands. Guide to New Zealand – history According to Maori history, the Polynesian Maori were the first settlers in New Zealand, they arrived and settled there around 800 A.D and remained fairly untroubled until 1840 when Maori Read More

New Zealand Air Travel

New Zealand’s national carrier is Air New Zealand and is the main way of travelling by air throughout New Zealand. New Zealand’s next major carrier is Qantas, the Australian national carrier. There are other main players in the competitive trans-Tasman market (the market between New Zealand and Australia that crosses the Tasman Sea) they include Jetstar, Virgin Pacific, Freedom and Emirates. Virgin, Jetstar and Freedom are the budget airlines. Jetstar is a company that is owned mainly by Qantas and Read More