5 Exciting Destinations in New Zealand’s South Island

Once you’ve got your travel insurance organised it’s time to start planning your exciting New Zealand holiday. The South Island is chock-full of attractions from picturesque towns, stunning mountain landscapes and rugged coastlines. Toss in some famous glaciers and you get a thumbnail picture of a region famous the world over for its spectacular and natural beauty. It’s going to be hard to limit ourselves to 5 exciting destinations in the South Island but let’s look at a few to Read More

New Zealand – Great For A Sailing Charter

Why did Peter Jackson of the famed Lord of the Rings decided to produce his film in New Zealand? There is only one perfect reason for that. New Zealand-despite its charm, remoteness, and rawness-offers the kind of environment the movie entails. It seeks to capture the early days of the world, when trees are teeming all over, waters and brooks provide habitats to schools of fish, and the open sea becomes perfect for some sailing in New Zealand. The Bay Read More