A Little Extra Padding And Online Dating

Forty million single people log on to online dating sites each and every month. Chances are some of those people are jerks or lie about their appearance. We have all heard stories of gross misrepresentation. What the hell does a little extra padding mean anyway? I went for coffee one time with a woman I met online. She described herself as beautiful and blonde with a “little extra padding” as a result of having a child. Beauty is very subjective Read More

My Funniest Online Dating Horror Stories

Yeah, yeah. It’s absolutely true that online dating worked out pretty well for me, ultimately. But having given it some thought, I wanted to come clean with you about something. It’s not like every single date was a blissful stream of perfection. Sure, I met lots of great women and had a blast for several years…culminating in meeting Emily on Match.com. But along the way, especially at the beginning, I certainly encountered my share of sometimes hilarious and sometimes downright Read More