Online Dating for Tattoo and Body Piercing Lovers

Do you have a tattoo or body piercing? Looking for a date with someone like you? Chances are pretty high that you have a tattoo somewhere on your body, whether it is visible at all times or not, and a bit lower as far as the body piercings go. There are many people who find tattoos and piercings erotic and highly desirable, and would like to find a partner who shares the same tattooing and/or body piercing passion. Online dating Read More

Online Dating: To Be or Not To Be (Embarrassed)?

I remember a Sex and the City episode where someone asks Miranda if she’s “seeing anyone special,” and her response is a self-deprecating bit about how, “I’m not seeing anyone special, but I am seeing a whole bunch of un-special guys, so if you know anyone….” Yuk yuk yuk. Later, Carrie turns to Miranda and says, “What was up with that? I felt like your comedy act should’ve come with a two-drink minimum.” Unfortunately, I (and anyone else who’s single Read More