Rock Gardens and Your Serenity

Rock Gardens are a great way to spice up the average garden of flowers and plants. Rock shapes come in so many various forms from rough and sharp to smooth and round, giving you a wide variety of moods to create. That’s what rocks do; they help establish a mood for your garden scene. Unlike what many garden “experts” will say, rocks are not mere ornaments for the garden that add a piece of strength or are a nice addition Read More

Facts About Cuba’s Sports

DID YOU KNOW THAT… Cocaine was the drug used by the disgraced Cuban sportsman Javier Sotomayor Sanabria, who has been known for his stunning disqualification from the 1999 Pan American Games in Canada. After a failed drug test and an investigation, the ODEPA (Pan-American Sports Organization), ordered Cuban high jumper Javier Sotomayor Sanabria to return the gold medal he won in the high jump. He said, “I have only seen that substance in the movies. I am the victim of Read More