5 Important Features in an Online ECommerce System

Online eCommerce systems are easily available on the internet for example Prestashop, Magento, osCommerce, Zen Cart and etc. With so many different systems, we really need to know which system to use and which one will matches our types of business best. This article aims to provide you five important features of the eCommerce systems so that you can decide for yourself which system suits your online business best. Catalog Management Catalog management is an important aspect of an eCommerce Read More

How to Choose a Niche For Your E-Commerce Store

A huge number of the newly built e-commerce stores don’t ever get a single order. Not even one order. During their entire existence. Why is that? Is it so hard to build a web store? Is it no more enough just to put OSCommerce and load few products? No, it is not. As creating online stores became easier and cheaper, a lot of amateurs started doing it and saturated the market with low quality, unfocused drop ship stores with high Read More