Four Internet Strategies For Fundraising

The Internet offers a platform and set of communications tools that are valuable to all nonprofit organizations in your fundraising activities. Your donors and potential donors often use the Internet to check up on organizations before they make a commitment. Your Internet communications plan can include multiple points of entry – your website, Facebook page, Blog, email newsletter, registration on various portals, online photo galleries, YouTube and other social media. Using the internet effectively does not mean just sticking on Read More

Web Hosting – No Credit Card Required

Have you been looking for a “no credit card required” web hosting service? Most web hosting companies require pre-payment with a credit card. It can be quite frustrating. Not having a credit card can seriously limit your choices. There are solutions to this problem. Find a host that offers 30 day billing. One option is to seek out web hosting companies that offer 30 day billing to small businesses. An example would be Blue Ribbon Web Hosting ( ) Read More