Critical Thinking: Have Hate Speech Laws Turned Some People Into Mini Tyrants?

In recent years, the term ‘hate speech’ and ‘hate speech laws’ have received a fair amount of exposure. Unsurprisingly, there are people who are on board with all this and there are people who are not. Hate speech relates to speech that is ‘hateful, threatening, or abusive,’ and is aimed at someone on the basis of their ‘disability, ethnic or national origin, nationality (including citizenship), race, religion, sexual orientation, or skin colour’. Therefore, if someone says something that is hateful, Read More

The Harmful Effects of Labelling People

Ours is a generation that is surrounded by labels. We see them in products, supermarkets and specialty shops and much of the daily choices we make are dependent on labels and brand names. Labelling is essential so everything around us takes on its unique character, distinct from the rest. We do tend however, to allow labelling to go past where it should be. In our attempt to make our own distinctions, we have a tendency to label people, especially children Read More