Overcoming Communication Barriers Between People

Good communication is not one and the same with talking other people into accepting your point of view. Regardless of how well you express yourself, it is impractical to think that others will always agree with you. However, others will understand you if you communicate well. When you send a message, you intend to communicate meaning, but the message itself does not contain the meaning. The meaning will be formed by your own perception and the perception of your receiver. Read More

Relationships: Do Some People Shut Down Emotionally After A Breakup?

There are a number of things that can cause someone to experience incredible pain, and a breakup is one of those things. When someone experiences a break up, it can feel as though their whole has come to end. It won’t matter if they had been with the other person for matter of months or years, as the pain can wipe them out. One can then have gone from feeling on top of the world, to feeling as though they Read More