Relationships: Why Do Some People Try To Take Other People’s Pain Away?

Pain is something that everyone on the planet experiences and, therefore, it is one of the things that connect human beings. However, although pain is something that can’t be avoided, it doesn’t mean that everyone is willing to accept this. When someone is not willing to accept that this is the case, they can end up trying to take other peoples pain away. It will be as though it is their responsibility to make sure that other people feel good. Read More

Why Some People Refuse to Accept Reincarnation

Over the past 25 years of reincarnation and past life regression research, we’ve encountered many disbelievers. Since you cannot prove reincarnation with physical evidence, some doubt is understandable. However, many skeptics ridicule the concept and refuse to even consider the vast body of evidence for past lives. This is always curious to us, and we’ve noticed three types of people who ridicule reincarnation. 1) The first type of person doesn’t have enough evidence to accept the idea of having lived Read More