Community Integration Program for The Well Being of People With Developmental Disabilities

For normal human beings, conducting their day-to-day activities is a form of living life. However there is a section of people who are unable to do so without help. Even if they are able to do on their own, it is accompanied with great pain and labor. For such people, also called disabled people, it is convenient for their families to lodge them in institutions against their wishes – institutions which were built primarily to help them and take care Read More

What Made Native American Peoples Vulnerable to Conquest by European Adventurers?

What made Native American peoples vulnerable to conquest by European adventurers? There were several traits which made the Native American’s vulnerable to conquest by European adventurers. First, the people themselves were ill equipped to deal with the European invaders. Their numbers were quickly reduced as a result of famine, forced labor, epidemics involving contact with European diseases and wars. They were unaccustomed to the economic, political and military aspects associated with the Europeans. They lacked the organization and political unity Read More