Tell People What God Has Done – At Christmas – And Also Throughout The Year!

Tell people the true meaning of the birth of Jesus – the miracle of who came – and how He came – and who He came to – and why He came. It is the celebration of an invasion of God, splitting history into AD and BC. This was God coming to earth. Colossians Chapter 1 verses 15 and 16. God was invading this world, and that is what the increasing battle is about just now. Many are prepared to Read More

Is It A Surprise That The People Who Talk About Tolerance Are Often The Most Intolerant?

Along with the word diversity, tolerance is another word that is often mentioned by politicians and celebrities. It doesn’t stop there though as there are plenty of people who talk about how important is it to be tolerant. For example, if someone is at university or has been there, they could spend a lot of time talking about this. Someone like this is then going to do what they can to tolerate views and opinions that they disagree with. A Read More