Creating Video Content That People Want to Share

You undoubtedly realize how important content is for your business. You probably also realize that there are several types of content that you can share with other people for positive results that will benefit your business. One (and, perhaps, the most obvious) type is written content. Another powerful type of content is video content. The question is, how do you create video content that people want to share with others? What do you need to do to make your video Read More

Engage People On Social Media By Asking Questions

As I’ve said repeatedly, “It’s called social media for a reason.” How do you gain traction with people on social media? Not by telling them things, but by asking them questions. When you make a post, go ahead and finish it with an open-ended question, something like “What do you think about the topic? Post your thoughts below.” BTW, and open-ended question is one that doesn’t automatically elicit a short, one or two word answer like “Yes” or “No,” “red” Read More