Critical Thinking: Do Some Peoples Childhoods Set Them Up To Believe That The World Is Going To End?

Unless someone lives in a cave and has very little connection with the outside world, there is a strong chance that they will have heard a lot of people talk about the environment recently. In addition to this, they may have also heard about what needs to happen in order for the planet to be saved. If they live or work in London, they may have even found it hard to get to work on time or just found it Read More

Critical Thinking: Is It Easy For The Media To Manipulate People’s Emotions?

It has been said that the mainstream media doesn’t need to prove that what they sell is the truth in order to influence people; the only thing that it needs to do is to make sure that people see the information. What this comes down to is that once someone has been exposed to a certain view, it can end being seen as the truth. Like a sponge, their mind will have absorbed what they have seen, with it having Read More