Emotional Problems: Does Inner Conflict Cause Some People To Suffer In Silence?

If one doesn’t know someone who is going through a tough time emotionally, they may have heard about someone in the media whose inner world is not in a good place. One could even reflect on what they have witnessed over the years and see that this is a common occurrence. Thus, if they were to engage in black and white thinking, they could come to the conclusion that everyone has inner problems. If they were to use their mind, Read More

A Guide for Deaf People in Getting Jobs

Finding a job is never easy. Looking for a job that you want often involves patience and persistence, and the job search can become easier with guidance. It is important to view your job search as a positive and rewarding experience. You may experience some ups and downs during your search, and you must not give up. Below is an easy guide that can help you with your job search as a deaf or hard of hearing job seeker. Looking Read More