Boundaries: Do Other People Walk Over You?

There are a number of elements that make up ones experience of reality, and these include what they see, hear and smell. What also play an important part are their feelings and thoughts. When it comes to what they see, hear and smell, these are going to be things that other people will also be able to relate to. So if one was to talk about what is going on around them to another person, they will be able connect Read More

Emotional Expression: Do Some People’s Childhoods Set Them Up To Hide How They Feel?

If someone is not in a good place emotionally, they could end up talking to a friend about how they feel. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they will want this person to do anything; simply sharing what is going on for them could be enough. Opening up about what is going on for them can lighten their load, so to speak, and may allow them to settle down for a short while. Being able to do this can also Read More