Vulnerability: Do Some People’s Childhoods Set Them Up To Fear Being Vulnerable?

It has been said that human beings are inherently vulnerable, but this doesn’t mean that a being from another planet would be able to see this if they came down to earth. This being may come to conclude that although there are some people that are, there are others that aren’t. This could be an outlook that they developed after they observed people walking around a shopping area or paid close attention to a few relationships. Based on what they Read More

Relationships: Why Are Some People Attracted To People Who Are Emotionally Unstable?

For some people, being in a relationship with someone who is unreliable, unpredictable and who has the need to keep them on edge and in a place of uncertainty is not going to interest them. If they were in this position, it might only be a matter of time before they walk away. Being with someone like this is then going to be like offering dark chocolate to someone who can’t stand the stuff; it will repel them. A quick Read More