Excuses People Use to Avoid Making a Lasting Power of Attorney and Why They Are Wrong

Setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a must in today’s society. But despite this, many people do not have anything in place should the worst happen and they need someone to step in and manage their finances and well being for them. A Power of Attorney is a document that allows someone you nominate to step in and manage your finances should you not be mentally capable of doing so. Losing our capacity is not something any Read More

Relationships: Are Some People Addicted To Feeling Rejected?

It could be said that although rejection is part of life, there are some people who experience it more than others. Now, at times this will be due to how someone lives their life. For example, let’s say that someone is an entrepreneur, who is constantly putting their ideas in front of different people. Someone like this will end up taking more risks (calculated risks), meaning that they are not going to have the same degree of acceptance that they Read More