Relationships: Why Do Some People Have The Need To Be Needed’?

While there are people who are not interested in trying to rescue or save other people, there are others who are. As a result of this, some people will be repelled by these kinds of people and some will be drawn to them like bees to a honey pot. And no matter what kind of people someone is drawn to, this can be what is normal. What this means is that they won’t need to think about whether or not Read More

Delighting In Dealing With Difficult People

You sense it straight away, booking an appointment over the phone. The person on the other end is efficient if not a little curt. With every second it seems there is a heightening urgency in their voice. You feel as if you’re being intentionally problematic for them, even though you’re diligently polite. Then, out rolls the statement that confirms it really is all your fault: “Well, we really aren’t getting anywhere here, are we?” It’s like they’re saying, “You are Read More