CakePHP – The Star of PHP Framework

If you are looking into using a framework for your PHP development, you bet it can be no better that CakePHP. This framework is an open-source development tool minimizing the architectural headaches and employing many features from Ruby on rails; although not exactly a port of RoR to PHP. The star feature is the MVC architecture i.e. Model-View-Controller. This is a three part way of programming and designing your apps so that code does not interfere with design. It keeps Read More

Core PHP Web Development VS Use of Frameworks

There are millions and millions of websites over the internet and PHP powers most of them. PHP is a web scripting language that is used to build dynamic websites. PHP is such a versatile server side language, that it has been modified and customized by many to create developer friendly frameworks. There are many frameworks that are used today such as CakePHP, CodeIgnitor or Symfony. Well, there is always a doubt whether core PHP is better or should one use Read More