VW Parts Make GTi the People's Porsche

The Volkswagen GTi was introduced in 1976 as the high-performance variety of the German automaker's VW Golf. It was among the first in the compact cars class to use a fuel injection system. With the then world standard in sports car technology fitted on the VW GTi, the car was nevertheless kept within the buying power of most people and consequently became known as the People's Porsche. Considered the progenitor of the hatchback genre, the VW GTi is credited for Read More

Expert Porsche 996 Turbo Clutch Replacement, Gearbox Removal and Installation

The Porsche 996 (911) turbo is an exceptional piece of automotive engineering as is evident by its years of success in the market place and its history of winning and dominating in the many different racing series and competitions around the world. As such repairs and upgrades to this fantastic car must be approached a bit differently than other vehicles. The way the many different components and systems of the car are designed and function is a bit different than Read More