Electric Powered Cars – A Buyer’s Guide

Nearly everyone agrees that electric powered cars are the next big thing. You can either buy a new one today or convert a gas-powered car into an electric one. Here’s a quick overview of both options. Tesla Roadster–Anyone who thinks electric cars are slow should take a ride in the Tesla Roadster. This flashy sports car can do 0-60 in 4 seconds and can travel at well over 100 mph. It’s the Porsche of electric cars. The ’09 version of Read More

Unleash Your Car’s Full Potential With Performance Chips

Lets’ face it. Life is hectic. I don’t know about you, but I am always on the go. On average, I probably spend over five hours a day in my car. Driving to and from work, restaurants, friends’ houses, etc. takes a lot of energy. If you live in Los Angeles then you know what I’m talking about. Forget making it anywhere in less than 25 minutes–even if it’s just down the street. I suffer from overwhelming feelings of anger Read More