The History of the Porsche Motor Car

In the 1920s, Porsche was the chief engineer in the famous Mercedes-Benz Company in Stuttgart. He later started his personal engineering plant where he developed a number of designs such as the Volkswagen. This was in Wolfsburg, where he was the head of operations. Volkswagen [VW], is now majority owned by Porsche. At the time of writing this article, there is worldwide crisis in the automobile market. The share price of VW rocketed, when it was announced that Porsche would Read More

Easily Affordable Porsche Boxster Parts

Porsche Boxster had its initial launch in the 1990s. The comfort offered by Boxster is exceptional and unique. The smooth handling of Porsche Boxster models and their parts were positive aspects. Engine's performance is specially tested for achieving the optimum delivery of the same. There are many other aspects regarding the Porsche Boxster parts that were of equal importance and these contributed to the overall performance status of the model. Moreover, even if the model was an introduction of one Read More