What Was The Porsche 944 All About?

If you are already a Porsche buff I don’t have to tell you how popular the Porsche 944 was and still remains today. If you are knew to Porsche’s your about to meet with some fascinating reading. So what was the 944 all about? Porsche has been building great cars for years but in 1982 it came up with what was going to be a real winner. This was the year the first Porsche 944 hit the market. It was Read More

Ferdinand Porsche

Ferdinand Porsche was born in Reichenberg. At the time that area was known as North Bohemia and later changed to Czechoslovakia. At the age of 18 Ferdinand Porche was recommended for a job in Vienna with Bela Egger, due to his remarkable mechanical aptitude. While in Vienna, he sneaked into some night classes at the Technical University. This is the only formal (though rather informal) training he ever received. After spending five years in Vienna, he procured his first job Read More