How to Be a Successful Search Engine Optimizer (SEO)

This is the field which didn’t exist in last century; most of the people in developing nations are still unaware of this career option. This is the field which is hybrid of technology as well as marketing and advertising. I am writing about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). With the advent of internet and its commercialization in last decade of 20th century many businesses started exploiting this medium to sell products and services. Now, where there is product advertising is bound Read More

Business Mindset Vs Technical Mindset

If you’re working in two different worlds, you might find a complication between the ways business is ran and the way things work in the technical world. For example, computer programmers and math geniuses aren’t savvy to business mindset principles because they focus on the rational and explained ideals of the technical mindset. Technical mindsets and business ideals vary greatly, and someone seeking work in a mix of the two fields might find themselves battling between two sets of guidelines. Read More