How to Inventory and Assign Value to Estate Personal Property

There is an old saying that goes: What is the best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Personal property is the elephant of an estate. It is the responsibility that can take up most of your time, and it provides the estate with the least amount of money for the effort involved. But, dealing with the personal property cannot be avoided. The property must be inventoried, valued, distributed, or sold. Let us start our analysis by Read More

The Property Block: A Legend in the UK Housing Industry

In recent times, there has been a lot of news of encroachment of green areas to build homes, a lack of affordable homes in the UK, etc. All of this points to a crisis in the UK Housing Industry. However, there are a few who have revolutionized the industry. One of them, the Property Block, leads the way for others to ensure ecologically responsible architecture. It can be said without a doubt that their valiant efforts and path-breaking work has Read More