Buying a Property in Romania – Real Estate Law in Romania

If you are looking to buy a holiday or second home or invest in Romania, Transylvania or at the Black Sea and you are a foreign citizen/investor, there are few aspects you should know about the procedure an the costs for the acquisition of Romanian land or Romanian houses. After 2012, foreign citizens EU citizens (non-Romanian) may purchase a home or apartment in Romania may freely buy and sell any Romanian property, without restrictions. Along with the sell price for Read More

Depreciation Recapture on Rental Property

Depreciation recapture on rental property concerns a tax provision on capital gains due to depreciation commonly faced by real estate investors selling their rental income property. In essence, depreciation recapture is the way the Internal Revenue Service is able to “recapture” taxes on all or part of the gain on the disposal of the asset as ordinary income, rather than solely as capital gain (which is often at a lower rate). The provision is far from simple. In fact determining Read More